BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, it’s not usually serious and is common among men aged forty five or more. The prostate wraps around the top of the urethra (urine tube), where it meets the bladder. Once enlarged, the urethra can be squeezed causing problems with completely emptying the bladder and irregular sensations of the urge to urinate. This can lead to lack of sleep, dripping pee and difficulty in planning everyday activities through lack of knowing where the nearest toilet is located.
Other BPH symptoms can include a hesitation to actually start the urination process, difficulty stopping urinating once you feel like you’ve emptied your bladder, a weak flow of urine, a need for increased physical effort and concentration when going to the toilet, and possible re-current bladder infections often characterised by a burning sensation and pain when urinating.
It’s suspected (but unproven) that prostate cell growth is encouraged by hormones or testosterone derivatives such as DHT (dihydrotestosterone), causing many men to experience some of these symptoms to a greater or lesser extent later on in life. It is important that your consultant rule out other potential possibilities such as prostatitis, bladder cancer or prostate cancer, hence symptoms the patient presents with combined with assessments used to diagnose BPH are developed with this in mind.
When addressing any prostate diagnosis, symptom severity and overall impact of possible treatment are carefully considered; DRE (digital rectal exams) and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood tests, urine flow studies and in-depth prostate MRI or ultrasound scans may be used to assess BPH. The results of the assessment may also dictate the treatment pathway such as alpha blockers, DHT inhibitor medication or surgical procedures that change the shape of the prostate; GreenLight laser, iTind, Rezum, HoLEP, TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate) or procedures to hold the prostate away from the prostatic urethra such as Urolift. Ironically, stress can also make BPH worse and should be addressed with medications or talking therapies.
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