iTind Treatment for BPH/BPE Enlarged Prostate

iTind treatment procedure

BPH or BPE is responsible for over thirty percent of cases in patients aged fifty or over¹. This relatively new iTind treatment offers patients diagnosed with BHP (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) a safe, long-term relief from symptomatic urinary issues. Urine flow is improved by temporarily implanting a device for five to seven days that applies mild pressure to the urethra.

iTind BPH Treatment
Credit: Getty Images Ltd.

Although sedatives may be used, this outpatient procedure is typically conducted under local anesthetic with relatively quick symptomatic relief. Using a keyhole camera, the iTind device is precisely positioned at the narrowed part of the urethra effectively pushing the prostate gland away from obstructing the urethra to allow a more consistent urine flow.

iTind side effects

The impeded flow of urine caused by an enlarged prostate can incur a range of urinary issues; these include low-pressure, difficulty in starting to urinate, incontinence, dribbling after urinating and an increased frequency and urgency to urinate and the sense that the bladder isn’t draining fully or effectively.

Following the iTind procedure you may experience an uncomfortable, short-lived pain during urination. Less common side effects are possible Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) which will need treatment with antibiotics. Full recovery can take up to three months and as with most procedures the experience and skill of a patient’s treatment team can impact both risk and recovery.

Device removal

Following iTind treatment, symptomatic relief is rapid and can last for up to three years. The iTind device is usually removed painlessly within a week and under outpatient conditions. Implants are removed using a flexible catheter that is  placed into the penis via the urethra. The removal procedure is quick and uncomplicated.

Treatment recovery

Urinary issues usually diminish following removal of the iTind implant. Patient’s may be aware of the device for a few days following the procedure. Any pain experienced can be countered effectively with over-the-counter painkillers. Everyday activities can typically be resumed immediately, although driving, strenuous exercise and sexual activity should be avoided.

Many patients are rightly concerned with the impact on their sex lives and fertility, but this treatment relieves urinary symptoms while avoiding adverse sexual dysfunction . iTind minimises unnecessary tissue damage to the prostate, sphincter and sperm ducts, offering alternate surgery or medicinal treatments known to have a greater impact on sexual function.

Treatment candidates

Enlarged prostates (BPH) can impact upon the urethra and cause urinary flow issues that generally will increase over time. iTind treatment are most appropriate for BPH patients experiencing the moderate to severe symptoms of prostate enlargement.

¹Prostate Cancer UK, BPH/BPE/, December 2017

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